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Government mandates use of masks and lockdown vs. junk food, alcohol and cigarrettes.

Writer's picture: Iridology SwedenIridology Sweden

I have been trying to stay away from controversial subjects, it feels that whatever opinion one has, one will be criticized... like Eleanor Roosevelt said "You'll be damned if you do and damned if you don't".

However, being in the line of practice that I am, I can't help but notice some very obvious contradicting actions and words by health authorities and government which triggered these ideas and thoughts that I had to put out there... damn the consequences!!!

I am fortunate enough to live in Sweden where the use of a mask has not been mandatory and our lock down has been quite soft. I personally agree and like Sweden's approach and think it has worked for OUR population. It worked here because Swedes in general are a healthier population with not so much obesity or other comorbidities that can affect the severity of the virus.

Despite what news have been saying about Swedes dropping like flies, living in apocalyptic chaos... it's just not true... most people here are quite happy with the way things are and have being handled, there is no panic and our death curve has not worsened.

I do have family living in both Mexico and the US, and have seen and heard through them how tough it has been physically, mentally, economically and spiritually to be in this type of restrictive world.

We all know how closely linked food and life style is to our immune system and one would think now more than ever we should be mindful of this, if we are all as concerned as we say we are.

However, I have observed through social media, pictures of people in these countries wearing masks and supporting lock down, saving lives through their own personal sacrifice of freedom and fresh oxygen depravation, followed by a post of picture of them eating burgers with a side of beer, milkshake for dessert and a cigarettes to be able to digest their last meal.

Now, I am not judging the people who do that, as I am not exempt of those sins... Don't go throwing rocks in a glass house, as they say.... But.... where is the logic in that???

It does make me question the government and health authorities actions and words encouraging CONSTANTLY people to do lock down, wear masks, however ZERO mention of food and natural supplements to build your immune system.

We all know how harmful junk food (processed "foods" full of chemicals, pesticides and no nutrients / fast food) alcohol and tobacco can de DETERIMENTAL to our health, as it has been scientifically proven to cause cancer, obesity, heart problems, and so many more deadly diseases. Just this year, 9.5 million people have died only of cancer (and I'm not even counting heart condition, obesity or any other disease cause by bad life style) vs 1 million in COVID.

So basically, the government has the power to impose and mandate the use of masks and lock down, where people have lost their freedom of movement, economies have collapsed, countless jobs and small businesses have gone bankrupt, suicide and depression rate has gone up as well as domestic abuse incidents... but if you want to go to order home delivery of fried chicken, mash potatoes with chemical gravy with and XXL coke and a packet of cigarettes? Why not dear Sir, right this way! Sure the government will not deprive you of THAT PRECIOUS FREEDOM.

It baffles me how in the news we hear over and over about keeping a safe distance from one another, don't go out, be afraid... but no one is talking about eating more fruits and vegetables, drinking more herbal tea that will help boost your immune system, to now more than ever work on your health.

It made me think of a post that I read the other day where it said "Claiming that you are offended is essentially saying you are incapable of controlling and managing your own emotions and so everyone else should do it for you".

Of course there are PLAIN OFFENSIVE and brutal things that one should not say, but now a days people throw left and right the "I'm offended" card because its easy.

Any who, it made me think of how this trend of putting all of the responsibility of our own emotions, health, strength and wellbeing in the hands of someone else.

It has been scientifically proven that people who live healthier live styles are dealing with the virus so much better and have a way bigger chance of survival. In stead of taking responsibility for our own health, we put it on society to lock themselves up, stay away from us so our lifestyle don't kill us.

Same as people have abused the "your comment offended me" card and now we are limiting other people and shaming them for what they say or think, because people are not able to deal with their own ego and emotions.

I think it is time that as a society we wake up and realize that there is not a magic pill for solving problems, most of it is pure hard work. Eat right, live cleanly, meditate to strengthen your mind and diminish your ego... work on yourself both in physical form and mind.

The moment we realize the amount of power and wellbeing we have within us and take it back from society, the media and the medical sector (the ones who just want you to take a pill instead of create real change in yourself through eating habits) you will be able to experience a level wellbeing in your body, freedom of mind and joy beyond what you thought was ever possible.

So I leave with my final words of encouragement to take your power back... breathe fresh clean air, eat clean natural foods, work on your mind and you might just be surprised to discover who you really are.

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